Wang Facheng

Title:Associate Professor, CEng FICE FIMarEST PMP

Address:Dept. Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China


Educational Background

2007.9-2010.11 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, Ph.D in Civil Engineering
2003.9-2007.7 School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, B. Eng in in Civil Engineering

Work Experience

2017.8-present, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Assistant Professor/Associate Professor
2011.11-2017.8, COTEC Offshore Engineering Solutions (A subsidiary of COOEC), General Manager Assistant, Manager of Subsea Pipeline Department, Senior Engineer
2010.11-2011.10, J P Kenny London (A subsidiary of Wood Group), Engineer

Teaching Courses
  1. Innovation and Practice in Sustainable Civil Engineering (Year 1, Undergraduate)

  2. Ocean Engineering (Part 1) (Year 3, Undergraduate)

  3. Professional Practice for Civil Engineering (Year 2, Undergraduate)

Research Interests
  1. Steel-concrete composite structures

  2. Offshore engineering

Research Projects


  1. 2020-2022, Subsea Pipeline Structures, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51922064), PI.

  2. 2019-2022, Investigations on mechanism and design of carbon steel-concrete-stainless steel composite submarine pipeline under compression-bending-torsion and fatigue loadings, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51879143), PI.

  3. 2018-2021, Investigations on post fire assessment method and fire resistance performance of special building structures, funded by National Key Research and Development Plan (Grant No. 2018YFC0807601), PI.

  4. 2015-2017,Development of real-time offshore pipeline installation monitoring system for pipelay vessel HYSY 201, funded by China National Offshore Oil Corporation Research Project (Grant No. CNOOC-KJ 125 ZDXM 05 GC 00 GC 2015-08), PI.

  5. 2014.1-2015.12,Subsea pipeline installation R&D project named Research & Development for Subsea Production System Design & Key Subsea Equipment (Phase I) ,funded by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of P.R.C Offshore Engineering Equipment Scientific Research Project(NO.E-0813C003), PI.

Professional Service
  1. Deputy Chair, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering

  2. Editorial Board Member, Structures

  3. Chartered Engineer (UK Engineering Council, Reg. 587772)

  4. Project Management Professional (Project Management Institute, Reg. 1780709)

  5. Fellow of The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (FIMarEST, Reg. 8012123)

  6. Fellow of The Institute of Civil Engineer (FICE, Reg. 64589972)

Honors and Awards
  1. 2019, Fellow of The Institute of Civil Engineers

  2. 2019, Beijing 11th Youth Faculty Teaching Competition, Best Teaching Plan & 3rd Class Prize

  3. 2018, Fellow of The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology

  4. 2018, Tsinghua University 8th Youth Faculty Teaching Competition 1st Class Prize

  5. 2017, Beijing 3rd Class Prize for Science & technology Development (1st accomplisher)

  6. 2013, Preferential funding for overseas students supported by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China

Academic Achievement

Publications (Selected)

Journal Papers

  1. F. Wang*, H.Y. Zhao. Experimental investigation on blast furnace slag aggregate concrete filled double skin tubular (CFDST) stub columns under sustained loading. Structures, 27, 2020, 352-360.

  2. F. Wang*, L. Han. Analytical behavior of carbon steel-concrete-stainless steel double-skin tube (DST) used in submarine pipeline structure. Marine Structures 63, 2019, 99-116.

  3. F. Wang*, W. Li, L. Han. Interaction behavior between outer pipe and liner within offshore lined pipeline under axial compression. Ocean Engineering, 175, 2019, 103-112.

  4. F. Wang*, Y. Lang, J, Li, Y. Luo. Innovations in a submarine piggyback pipeline project in the East China Sea. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Civil Engineering, 172(2), 2019, 69-75.

  5. F. Wang*, H. Zhao, L. Han. Analytical behavior of concrete-filled aluminum tubular stub columns under axial compression. Thin-walled Structures, 140, 2019, 21-30.

  6. F. Wang*. Effective design of submarine pipe-in-pipe using Finite Element Analysis. Ocean Engineering, 153, 2018, 23-32.

  7. F. Wang*, L. Han. Analytical behavior of special-shaped CFST stub columns under axial compression. Thin-walled structures, 129, 2018, 404-417.

  8. F. Wang*, L. Han, W. Li. Analytical behavior of CFDST stub columns with external stainless steel tubes under axial compression. Thin-walled structures, 127, 2018, 756-768.

  9. F. Wang*, J. Wang, K. Tang. A finite element based study on lowering operation of subsea massive structure. China Ocean Engineering, 31(5), 2017, 646-652.

  10. F. Wang*, J. Chen, S. Gao, K. Tang, X. Meng. Development and sea trial of real-time offshore pipeline installation monitoring system. Ocean Engineering, 146, 2017, 468-476.


  1. PCT Patent One type Carbon Steel-Concrete or Cement-Stainless Steel Composite Submarine Pipeline, PCT/CN2018/113507.

  2. Utility patent. Real-time analysis system for operation of working ship based on ship attitude measurement, 15/765491, USA.

  3. Invention patent, Vessel motion based real-time construction monitoring system, 201610076334.6, China.

  4. Patent for utility model, Protection device for piggy-back pipeline, 201510965001.4, China.

  5. Invention patent, Anti-twisting device for subsea pipeline installation, 201410837419.2, China.

  6. Invention patent, Anti-rotation device for subsea structures lowering activity, 201410746065.0, China.

  7. Software copyright, Pipeline Installation Monitor 1.0,1239382, China.


  1. National Standard, General rules for building protection. (In Chinese)

  2. National Standard, Technical standard for concrete-filled steel tubular hybrid structures. (In Chinese)

  3. China Civil Engineering Society Standard, Technical Specification for concrete-Filled double skin steel tubular structures, T/CCES 7-2020. (In Chinese)

  4. China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization Standard, Technical specification for concrete-encased concrete-filled steel tubular structures, T/CECS 663-2020. (In Chinese)

  5. China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization Standard, Technical specification for trussed concrete-filled steel tubular hybrid structures, T/CECS 785-2020. (In Chinese)

  6. China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization Standard, Technical specification for recycled aggregate concrete-filled steel tubular structures, T/CECS 625-2019. (In Chinese)

  7. China Electricity Council Standard, Technical Code for Concrete-filled Double Skin Steel Tubular Poles and Towers of Transmission Lines, T/CEC 185-2018. (In Chinese)

  8. China National Offshore Oil Corporation - Company standard, Guideline for analysis of subsea pipeline with in-line structure installation, Q/HS 3066—2016. (In Chinese)
