


2005.8~2009.7  清华大学,工程管理专业、经济学专业双学士

2009.8~2012.12  美国南加州大学,土木工程专业、计算机科学专业双硕士

2009.8~2014.1  美国南加州大学,土木工程专业博士


2017.7~至今      清华大学建设管理系可持续城镇化研究所  所长

2016.12~至今     清华大学建设管理系             副教授

2014.7~2016.12    清华大学建设管理系              助理教授







国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目  韧性视角下智慧城市基础设施系统安全与防护基础理论与关键技术  (2018-2021)

国家自然科学基金应急管理项目  安全韧性雄安构建顶层设计研究  (2017-2018)

国家自然科学基金委青年基金 基于认知过程建模和虚拟疏散实验的大型公共建筑突发事件中个体层面的疏散行为特征研究 (2017.1~2019.12)

教育部人文社科青年基金 大型公共建筑突发事件中疏散人员的个体行为特征研究 (2016.1~2018.12)

清华大学自主科研计划专项课题 系统的系统视角下分析和提高城市恢复力的研究 (2015.3~2017.12)



美国注册绿色建造师(LEED AP)


国际建造自动化与机器人学会(International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction, IAARC)理事

Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering国际期刊副主编

Journal of Management in Engineering国际期刊编委

Automation in Construction, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Journal of Management in Engineering, Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Sensors, IEEE Communications Letters国际期刊审稿人

ASCE Technical Council on Computing and Information Technology (TCCIT), Data Sensing and Analysis (DSA) committee, Visualization, Information Modeling, and Simulation (VIMS) Committee, and Education (EDU) committee 委员会委员


2017年 福布斯中国“30位30岁以下精英”

2016年 Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering国际期刊优秀审稿人

2015年 Automation in Construction国际期刊优秀审稿人

2014年 美国南加州大学博士成就奖2014年 美国南加州大学最佳博士毕业论文2013年 

2013 CIB W78国际学术会议最佳博士论文奖

2013年 美国南加州大学创新学位奖

2011年 美国南加州大学土木与环境工程系最佳研究助理



  1. Mao, Q., Li, N.* (2018). "Assessment of the Impact of Interdependencies on the Resilience of Networked Critical Infrastructure Systems." Natural Hazards, Accepted.

  2. Zhao, C., Li, N., Fang, D.* (2018). "Criticality assessment of urban interdependent lifeline systems using a biased PageRank algorithm and a multilayer weighted directed network model." International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, Accepted.

  3. Lin, J., Ma, G., Li, N.* (2018). "Longitudinal Assessment of the Behavior-Changing Effect of App-Based Eco-Feedback in Residential Buildings." Energy and Buildings, 159, 486-494.

  4. Li, N., Chan, D.*, Mao, Q., Hsu, K., Fu, Z. (2018). "Urban Sustainability Education: Challenges and Pedagogical Experiments." Habitat International, 71, 70-80.

  5. Lim, H.W., Li, N., Fang, D.*, Wu, C. (2018). "Impact of Safety Climate on Types of Safety Motivation and Safety Performance: Multigroup Invariance Analysis", ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 34(3), 04018002.

  6. Feng, K., Wang, S., Li, N., Wu, C.*, Xiong, W. (2018). "Balancing Public and Private Interests through Optimization of Concession Agreement Design for User-Pay PPP Projects", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 24(2), 116–129.

  7. Wu, C., Li, N., Fang, D.* (2017). "Leadership Improvement and Its Impact on Workplace Safety in Construction Projects: A Conceptual Model and Action Research." International Journal of Project Management, 35(8), 1495-1511.

  8. Zou, H., Li, N.* (2017). "An Emotional Response Based Approach for Assessing the Sense of Presence of Subjects in Virtual Building Evacuation Studies." ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 31(5), 04017028.

  9. Zhang, P., Li, N., Fang, D.* (2017). "A Supervisor-Focused Behavior-Based Safety Method for the Construction Industry: A Case Study in HK." ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(7), 05017009.

  10. Ma, G., Lin, J., Li, N.*, Zhou, J. (2017). "Cross-Cultural Assessment of the Effectiveness of Eco-Feedback in Building Energy Conservation." Energy and Buildings, 134, 329-338.

  11. Li, N., Fang, D.*, Sun, Y. (2016). "Cognitive Psychological Approach for Risk Assessment in Construction Projects." ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 32(2), 04015037.

  12. Li, T.H.Y.*, Ng, S.T.T, Skitmore, M., Li, N. (2016). "Investigating Stakeholder Concerns during Public Participation." Municipal Engineer, 169(4), 199-219.


  1. Mao, Q., Li, N., Pena-Mora, F. (2018). "Quality Function Deployment based Conceptual Framework for Designing Resilient Urban Infrastructure System of Systems.", Proc. the 25th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, June 10-13, Lausanne, Switzerland.

  2. Wei, F., Koc, E., Soibelman, L., Li, N. (2018). "Disaster Economics and Networked Transportation Infrastructures: Status Quo and a Multi-Disciplinary Framework to Estimate Economic Losses." Proc. the 25th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, June 10-13, Lausanne, Switzerland.

  3. Gan, V.J.L., Li, N., Tse, K.T., Chan, C.M., Lo, I.M.C., Cheng, J.C.P. (2017). "Developing a BIM-Based Methodology Framework for Sustainability Analysis of Low Carbon High-Rise Buildings." Proc. the 7th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2017), Oct 28-31, Chengdu, China (Best Paper Award of ICCEPM 2017).

  4. Mao, Q., Li, N. (2017). "Resilience Assessment of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems." Proc. Lean & Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), Vol. 1 (CIB W78), July 4-12, Heraklion, Greece.

  5. Lin, J., Ma, G., Li, N., Zhou, J. (2017). "Assessment of Utilizing Mobile App in Delivering Eco-Feedback Information for Building Energy Conservation." Proc., the 34th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2017), June 28-July 1, Taipei, Taiwan.

  6. Li, N., Chan, D., Hsu, K., Fu, Z., Mao, Q. (2017). "ICT-Enabled Cross-Cultural Education in Sustainable Urbanization." Proc., 2017 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering (IWCCE 2017), June 25-27, 2017, Seattle, WA, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

  7. Lin, J., Li, N., Ma, G., Zhou, J. (2016). "The Impact of Eco-Feedback on Energy Consumption Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study." Proc., the 33th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2016), July 18-21, Auburn, AL.

  8. Zou, H., Li, N. (2016). "Immersive Virtual Environments for Investigating Building Emergency Evacuation Behaviors: A Feasibility Study." Proc., the 33rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2016), July 18-21, Auburn, AL.

  9. Koc, E., Soibelman, L., Li, N. (2016). "Towards Identification of Sea Level Rise Related Risks on Interdependent Coastal Infrastructure Networks." Proc., the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2016), July 6-8, Osaka, Japan.

  10. Zhang, P., Li, N., Fang, D. (2016). "Agent-Based Modeling Approach for Understanding the Impact of Interactions Between Construction Workers on Their Safety Related Behaviors." Proc., the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2016), July 6-8, Osaka, Japan.
