职称:副教授电话:010-62772549通信地址:北京市海淀区清华大学土木工程系焊接管311a邮编:100084Email: zhang-yi@tsinghua.edu.cn
2005.8-2009.7: 新加坡南洋理工大学土木工程系,获工学学士学位 2009.8-2014.7: 新加坡国立大学土木工程系,获哲学博士学位
2008.1-2009.1: Beca Carter Hollings &Ferner Ltd,,初级结构工程师2009.8-2013.7:新加坡国立大学,助理教师2013.11—2015.11,新加坡南洋理工大学,高级研究员2015.11-2017.11,日本京都大学,JSPS特别研究员2017.7-2018.8,德国汉诺威大学,洪堡研究员2018.3-2018.3, 葡萄牙里斯本大学,访问学者2018.9-迄今,清华大学,副教授
1. 结构可靠性分析2. 海洋结构工程3. 结构健康检测4. 工程风险分析及决策
1. 德国洪堡基金会博士后资助项目,4万欧元,主持2. 日本学术振兴会博士后资助项目,1000万日元,主持3. 湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划项目,T20183,20万,参与。
2016.7: 德国洪堡基金会博士后奖学金(德国“洪堡学者”)2015.11: 日本学术振兴会博士后奖学金(JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship)2014.7: 安全性工程国际学术会议QR2MSE, 最佳论文奖2012.10: 第25届亚洲土木工程高校联盟会议(KKCNN Symposium),杰出青年科学家奖2017.1: 国际期刊Structural Safety, 高被引论文2018.3: 国际期刊Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 高被引论文
代表性论著1. Beer, M.*, Zhang, Y., Quek, S.T., Phoon, K.K. (2013): Reliability analysis with scarce information: comparing alternative approaches in a geotechnical engineering context(*highly cited research paper). In: Structural Safety, 41, 1-10.2. Zhang, Y., Lam, J.S.L.* (2014): Non-conventional modeling of extreme significant wave height through random sets(*highly cited paper). In: Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(7), 125-130.3. Zhang, Y., Beer, M.*, Quek, S.T. (2015): Long-term performance assessment and design of offshore structures. In: Computers and Structures, 154, 101-115.4. Zhang, Y., Lam, J.S.L.* (2015): Reliability analysis of offshore structures within a time varying environment. In: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 29(6), 1615-1636.5. Zhang, Y.*, Cao, Y.Y. (2015): A fuzzy quantification approach of uncertainties in an extreme wave height modeling. In: Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3), 90-98.6. Zhang, Y.* (2015): Comparing the robustness of offshore structures with marine deteriorations — a fuzzy approach. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, 18(8), 1159-1172.7. Zhang, Y., Lam, J.S.L.* (2015): Estimating the economic losses of port disruption due to extreme wind events. In: Ocean & Coastal Management, 116, 300-310.8. Zhang, Y.*, Cao, Y.Y., Dai, J. (2015): Quantification of statistical uncertainties in performing the peak over threshold method. In: Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 23(5), 717-726.9. Zhang, Y.*(2015): A fuzzy residual strength based fatigue life prediction method. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 56(2), 201-221.10. Zhang, Y., Lam, J.S.L.* (2016): A copula approach in the point estimate method for reliability engineering. In: Quality and Reliability Engineering International,32, 1501-1508.11. Zhang, Y., Cheng, T.* (2016): Characterizing the seasonal and directional varying properties in a marine environment. In: China Ocean Engineering, 30(4), 549-564.12. Zhang, Y., Lam, J.S.L.* (2016): Estimating economic losses of industry clusters due to port disruptions. In:Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 91, 17-33.13. Cheng, T.*, Yan, K-Q., Zheng, J-J., Luo, X-F., Zhang, D-B., Xu, W-H., Hu, R-J., Zhang, Y. (2017): Semi-analytical and semi-numerical method for the single soil layer consolidation problem. In: Engineering Computations, 34(3), 960-987.14. Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Tee, K.F.(2017):Maintenance management of offshore structures using Markov process model with random transition probabilities. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 13(8), 1068-1080.15. Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Tee, K.F., Lam, J.S.L. (2017): Optimal sustainable life cycle maintenance strategies for port infrastructures.(*ESI paper) In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 1693-1709.16. Tee, K.F.*, Ebenuwa, A.U., Zhang, Y.(2018):Fuzzy-based robustness assessment of buried pipelines. In: Journal of Pipeline Systems - Engineering and Practice, ASCE. ISSN 1949-1190, 9(1), 1994-1204.17. Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Beer, M., Dai, H., Guedes Soares, C., (2018): Modeling multivariate ocean data using asymmetric copulas. In: Coastal Engineering, 135, 91-111.18. Zhang, D., Zhang, Y.*, Cheng, T., Meng, Y, Fang, K, Garg, A., Garg, A. (2017): Measurement of displacement for open pit to underground mining transition using digital photogrammetry. In: Measurement, 109, 187-199.19. Yan, K., Zhang, Y.*, Cheng, T., Luo, X., Zhou, Q., Fang, K., Garg, A., Garg, A. (2017): Managing information uncertainty in wave height modeling for the offshore structural analysis through random set. In: Complexity, ID 9546272, 1-13.20. Kim, C.W.*, Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Oshima, Y., Morita, T. (2018):Long-term bridge health monitoring and performance assessment based on Bayesian approach. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 14(7), 883-894.21. Zhang, D.*, Zhang, Y., Cheng, T., Yuan, J. (2017): Soft foundation strengthening effect and structural optimization of a new CFG pile-slab structure. International Journal of Engineering, 30(7), 964-972.22. Yan, K., Cheng, T., Zhang, Y.* (2018):A new method in measuring the velocity profile surrounding a fence structure considering snow effects. In: Measurement, 116, 373-381.23. Huang, Y., Gao, L., Zhang, Y., Tai, K., Prapainainar, P., Chin, C., Garg, A.* (2018):An application of evolutionary system identification algorithm in modelling of energy production system. In: Measurement, 114, 122-131.24. Tee, K.F.*, Ekpiwhre, E.O., Zhang, Y. (2018):Deterioration modelling and life expectancy using Markovian chain model for carriageway. In: International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35(6), 1268-1288.25. Zhang, D., Zhang., Y.*, Cheng, T. (2018):Measurement of grass root reinforcement for copper slag mixed soil using shear test apparatus. In: Measurement, 118, 14-22.26. Buragohain, P., Garg, A.*, Lin, P., Hong, M., Zhang, Y., Sreedeep, S. (2018):Exploring potential of fly ash –bentonite mix as a liner material in waste containment systems under concept of sponge city. In: Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 7(1), 46-70.27. Cheng, T., Yu, Z., Zheng, J., Du, J., Zhang, Y.*, Garg, A., Garg, A., (2018): Improvement of the cavity expansion theory for the measurement of strain softening in over consolidated saturated clay. In: Measurement, 119, 156-166. 28. Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Tee, K.F., Garg, A., Garg, A. (2018):Long-term health monitoring for deteriorated bridge structures based on Copula theory. In: Smart Structures & Systems, 21(2), 171-185.29. Zhang, D., Zhang, Y.*, Kim, C.W., Yuan, M., Garg, A., Garg, A., A CFG pile-slab structure of high-speed railway embankment for soft foundation strengthening. In: Soils and Foundation.30. Zhang, Y.*, Gomes, A., Beer, M., Neumann, I., Nackenhorst, U., Modeling asymmetric dependences among soil parameters - the asymmetric copula approach. In: Catena.31. Yan, K., Zhang, Y.*, Cheng, T. A New Erosion Model for Snow Induced Structural Loads. In: Shock and Vibration.32. Zhang, Y.*, (2018) Investigating dependencies among oil price and tanker market variables by copula-based multivariate models. In: Energy, 161, 435-466.33. Xu, X., Yang, H.*, Zhang, Y., Neumann, I. (2018). Intelligent 3D Data Extraction Method for Deformation Analysis of Composite Structures. Composite Structures, 203, 254-258.