1. Li Manjie, Liu Zhaowei(*), Zhang Mingdong, Chen Yongcan. A workflow for spatio-seasonal hydro-chemical analysis using multivariate statistical techniques. Water Research, 2021, 188: 116550 1.
2. Yang Tong, Liu Zhaowei(*), Chen Yongcan, Yu Yang. Real-time, inexpensive and portable measurement of water surface velocity through smartphone. Water, 2020, 12, 3358
3. Chen X, Liu ZW(*), Chen YC, Wang HR. Analytical expression for predicting the reduced settling velocity of small particles in turbulence. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2020, 20:905–922
4. Li Yuanyi, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, Liu Zhaowei. Thermal-hydrodynamic circulations and water fluxes in a tributary bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 585, 124319
5. Li Manjie, Wang Yuhui(*), Liu Zhaowei(*), Sha Yi, Korshin Gregory V., Chen Yongcan. Metal-release potential from iron corrosion scales under stagnant and active flow, and varying water quality conditions. Water Research, 2020, 175, 115675
6. Li Manjie, Liu Zhaowei, Chen Yongcan, Korshin Gregory V.. Effects of varying temperatures and alkalinities on the corrosion and heavy metal release from low-lead galvanized steel. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(2): 2412-2422
7. Li MJ, Liu ZW(*), Chen YC, Zhang MD. Identifying effects of pipe material, hydraulic condition, and water composition on elemental accumulation in pipe corrosion scales, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(19): 199906-199914
8. Duan YF, Liu ZW(*), Chen YC, Zhu DJ. Closure to "Improved 2D Shallow Water Model Able to Capture the Effects of Complex Bathymetric Features through Their Subgrid Modeling" by Yafei Duan, Zhaowei Liu, Yongcan Chen and Dejun Zhu. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2018, 144(12): 07018021
9. Li MJ, Liu ZW(*), Chen YC. Physico-chemical Characteristics of Corrosion Scales from Different Pipes in Drinking Water Distribution Systems. Water, 2018, 10(7): 931.
10. Wu YY, Liu ZW(*), Chen YC, Li MJ. Investigation of Velocity Distribution and Turbulence Characteristics in Subcritical Circular Open Channel Flows Using a Modified Reynolds Stress Model. Journal of Hydro-environmental Research, 2018, 19: 68-77
11. Yu Q, Liu ZW(*), Chen YC, Zhu DJ, Li N. Modelling the impact of hydrodynamic turbulence on the competition between Microcystis and Chlorella for light. Ecological Modeling, 2018, 370:50-58.
12. Xie QK, Liu ZW(*), Fang X, Chen Y, Li C, Maclntyre S. Understanding the Temperature Variations and Thermal Structure of a Subtropical Deep River-Run Reservoir before and after Impoundment, Water, 2017, 9(8): 603
13. Yu Q, Chen YC, Liu ZW(*), Zhu DJ, Wang HR. Longitudinal variations of phytoplankton compositions in lake-to-river systems, Limnologica, 2017, 62, 173-180
14. Liu ZW(*), Chen YC, Wu YY, Wang WY, Li L. Simulation of exchange flow between open water and floating vegetation using a modified RNG k-ε turbulence model, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 17(2), 355-372
15. Duan YF, Liu ZW(*), Chen YC, Zhu DJ. An improved 2D shallow water model able to capture the effects of complex bathymetric features through their sub-grid modeling. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2017, 143(2): 04016081(10pp).
16. Wang J, Wang Y, Bai J, Liu ZW, Song X, Yan D, Abiyu A, Zhao Z, Yan D. High efficiency of inorganic nitrogen removal by integrating biofilm-electrode with constructed wetland: Autotrophic denitrifying bacteria analysis. Bioresource Technology, 2017,227: 7-14.
17. Li Manjie, Liu Zhaowei, Chen Yongcan, Hai yang. Characteristics of iron corrosion scales and water quality variations in drinking water distribution systems of different pipe materials. Water Research, 2016, 106:593-603.
18. Zhongshun Li、Dejun Zhu、*Yongcan Chen、Xing Fang、Zhaowei Liu、Wei Ma, Simulating and understanding effects of water level fluctuations on thermal regimes in Miyun Reservoir,Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2016,61(5): 952-969
19. Wang Haoran, Chen Yongcan, Liu Zhaowei*, Zhu Dejun. Effects of the “Run-of-River” Hydro Scheme on Macroinvertebrate Communities and Habitat Conditions in a Mountain River of Northeastern China. Water, 2016, 8(1), 31
20. Yongcan Chen, Zhigang Wang, Dejun Zhu, Zhaowei Liu(*). Longitudinal dispersion coefficient in ice-covered rivers. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 2016, 54(5): 558-566
21. Qian Yu, Yongcan Chen, Zhaowei Liu(*), Nick de Giesen, Dejun Zhu. The Influence of a Eutrophic Lake to the River Downstream: Spatiotemporal Algal Composition Changes and the Driving Factors. WATER. 2015, 7(5):2184-2201. Impact Factor: 1.29 · DOI: 10.3390/w7052184
22. Jiang L., Chen Y., Zhu D., Liu Z.. Faecal coliform attachment to settleable suspended sediments in fresh surface waters: linear partition model validation and sediment concentration effects. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply, 2015, 15(4): 864-870
23. Liu Zhaowei, Zhu Dejun, Chen Yongcan, Wang Zhigang. A modified Holly-Preissmann scheme for simulating sharp concentration fronts in streams with steep velocity gradients using RIV1Q, Water Resources Research, 2014, 50, 9757-9765
24. Chen Yongcan, Wang Zhiyong, Liu Zhaowei, Zhu Dejun. 1D-2D coupled numerical model for shallow-water flows. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2012, 138(2): 122-132.
25. Liu Zhaowei, Chen Yongcan, Zhu Dejun. An analytical model for vertical velocity profiles in flows with submerged shrub-like vegetation. Environmental Fluid Mechanics,2012, 12(4): 341-346
26. Dejun Zhu, Yongcan Chen, Zhiyong Wang, and Zhaowei Liu. A simple, robust, and efficient algorithm for gradually varied subcritical flow simulation in general channel networks, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2011,137 (7): 766-744
27. Liu Zhaowei, Chen Yongcan, Hu Heming, Zhu Dejun. Non-horizontal Multi-layer Numerical Model for the Flow in Natural Rivers. International Journal of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2009, 23(01), pp. 59 - 68.
28. Liu Zhao-wei, Chen Yong-can, Li Ling, Zheng Jingyun. Sigma-coordinate Numerical Model for Side-discharge into Natural Rivers. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2009, 21(3):333-340.
29. Liu ZW, Chen YC, Zhu DJ. Study on the Concentration Distribution in a Trapezoidal Open-Channel Flow with a side Discharge. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2007, 7(6): 509-517.